Tourism & Leisure Industry Consulting (Accommodation & Grass Roots Tourism)
I (Natalie) am a diverse and adaptable project manager having worked across a number of tourism and leisure industries and sectors including golf, wine, women’s adventure (publishing), community recreation (local government) and now supporting holiday rentals, or what the industry now define as Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA), owners and managers navigating digital disruption, new technology trends and innovations, fair industry regulation advocacy and generally business development strategy including partnerships with grass roots tourism operators within the communities that they operate.
Today’s Free Tip: Permission to rent your residence short term.
To find out if you have permission to rent your residential property short term you will need to research your local government authority’s policy on STRA, search for the Local Planning Scheme and the most closely fitting accommodation definition then locate the zoning table. In Cottesloe (WA) for example some residential precincts it’s not a permitted use or ‘X’. Other zones it’s ‘D’ or Discretionary meaning the administration will engage with neighbours and consider the Development Application and the local councillors will decide, by majority vote, if you are granted permission.